CBSE Class 10 Compartment Result 2024:live Check it Now

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently announced the Class 10 Compartment Results for 2024. This is a critical moment for students who had a second chance to clear their exams and advance their academic journey. Here, we provide a detailed guide to help students and parents understand the result-checking process, important dates, and next steps.

How to Check the CBSE Class 10 Compartment Result 2024

  1. the Official Website: Start at the official CBSE result website –
  2. Navigate to the Results Section: Look for the link that says “CBSE Class 10 Compartment Result 2024” and click on it.
  3. Enter Required Details: You will need your roll number, school number, and center number as mentioned on your admit card.
  4. Submit and View Results: After entering the details, click on the ‘Submit’ button. Your result will be displayed on the screen. It is advisable to download and print a copy for future reference.

What to Do After Receiving the Result

  1. Pass: Congratulations! You can now proceed to the next academic level. Ensure you collect all necessary documents, such as your mark sheet and passing certificate, from your school.
  2. Revaluation: If you believe there has been a mistake in the evaluation, apply for a revaluation. Follow the guidelines provided on the CBSE official website.
  3. Fail: Do not lose hope. You can either appear for the next year’s board exams or explore other educational opportunities.

Tips for Students

  • Stay Updated: Regularly check the official CBSE website for any updates or announcements related to your results.
  • Prepare Well: If you have to reappear, make a structured study plan and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed.
  • Mental Health: Managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook is crucial. Engage in activities that help you relax and stay focused.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the passing criterion for the CBSE compartment exam?

Students must score a minimum of 33% in each subject to pass the compartment exam.

2. Can I apply for a revaluation of my compartment exam answer sheet?

Yes, CBSE allows students to apply for revaluation. Check the official website for the application process and deadlines.

3. When will the original mark sheet be available?

The original mark sheet and passing certificate will be sent to your school a few weeks after the result declaration.

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